Sunday, August 29, 2010

How well known do you want to be at the doctors? by helseyc

Today was our 6th visit to the doctors in 11 days for all 3 girls.

First visit with Dr M and it is established that Erin and Sunny had tonsillitis. We were prescribed penicillin.

Second visit with Dr E, Claudia had bronchitis and Sunny was being sent for chest xrays. Claudia was prescribed penicillin.

Third visit where Sunny's xray was reviewed by Dr E and she has bronchial pneumonia. Different penicillin and antibiotics too.

Fourth visit with Dr E, it was established that Erin needed a chest xray.

Fifth visit with Dr E to read Erin's result and same procedure, same outcome.

Sixth visit with Dr B, Claudia's condition has worsened even whilst on penicillin. New antibiotics prescribed for her and the girls were checked to see how they were doing.

During the 6th visit, as I was called by as we entered the front door at reception- which hasn't happened before, I did make comment when they were checking my details that my address should be marked down as here! (small polite laughter from the desk - sure they've heard it before!) Then whilst in the back waiting room (the most un-pram friendly section of the surgery!) I see Dr M - who we're not booked into see as he is too busy! "Hi Helen, what's up with the girls." I briefly explain as he sees his next patient in. Without a beat, Dr. E's door swings open, who we are not booked into see as she is too busy, and as she is walking past the narrow space left by our pram, she says "hey, I was going to call you today to see how the girls were!"
Felt like we were!

So, how well do you want to be known at the doctors. I guess it is kind of nice to be known by name and not medicare number. It was definitely lovely to see the care and concern by 3 of the 12 doctors at this centre, but honestly 6 visits in 11 days. That's life with babies I guess.

To celebrate, I've penned a song that goes to Beyonce's "All the Single Ladies" except mine is called,
"All the Little Babies" and it goes a little something like this...

All the little babies, all the little babies
All the little babies, all the little babies
all the little babies, all the little babies

Now your temps up!

Up too high, gotta get it down,
I'm using panadol, nurofen
Who'd I do? Which kid's next?
Got to write it down somewhere!

Green snot flowin', it's not goin'
we're out of nurofen,
those bottles so small, when you've twins or more,
those companies have no idea

(Chorus) If you're sick then you'd better get a script for it
If you're sick then you'd better get a script for it
Go to the doctor and you'd better get a script for it
Cause you're sick and you'd better get a script for it

Off to the docs, they know us by name
Who’s sick this time?
Medicare card, pram struggles through their door,
"oh you've got your hands full!"

Tonsillitis or Bronchitis
Which "itis" is it this time?
2ml of this, 3ml of that
come back and see us soon
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh here we go again

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Can't believe it...

In 6 more sleeps my girls will be 1.

1, One, Uno, Eins....1 !!

I am emotional about it all. Really, I am. Not quite sure why, but I definitely see this year as an achievement and something to be proud of. It has been a rollercoaster journey from go to this point, one I wouldn't change for the world (although there have been moments that I would change for the better!) The year has been easy, difficult, fun, heart wrenching, sad, humorous, up, down, lonely, overwhelming, awesome, beautiful, extraordinary, weird, hard, amazing and a huge learning curve. I've learnt so much about myself and about my family.

I have felt strong almost invincible at times when I've been able to co-ordinate my life and 3 under 3 at the same time. Other times I have felt so weak and helpless and am sure that I'm not coping and will never be able to again...nothing that a good cry won't fix : )

It needs to be acknowledged that I doubt I'd be able to have survived this year without the love and support of my husband, my amazingly giving family and my wonderful friends.

Life really is amazing...THAT I can believe!

Today they are ONE! helseyc

365 days ago this very day, I gave birth to my twin girls Erin and Sunny.

During the past week it crossed my mind just what has gone into this past year. Well the nuts and bolts of it are that there has been approximately 5840 nappy changes (54 boxes of nappies), 11680 wipes used (53 packets of wipes), 273 days of formula (55 tins) resulting in around $3200. Not including food, clothing, medicine etc.

No one thought about these statistics on the day of their birth - we were more interested in Sex, Weight, Length, Time of birth and Apgar results.

Today I think about different statistics that have occured through out the year...the number of smiles I've received, the number of teeth each one has cut, the first time Dada or Mama was said, the number of giggles - they are all priceless.How can one put a number or price to this?

Happy 1st Birthday beautiful girls. Our lives are richer for having you in them.
Love you lots xxx