Reversed my car into a low brick wall (yes my car has sensors and no they didn't go off!)
Then nearly took my side view mirror off going into our garage!
Have to pay $1150 excess and am now carless for a few days!
Have gone searching for my block of cheese, only to find it in the pantry, two days later!
Paid a bill late (I never pay bills late)
Made a Lamb, Fetta and Herb pasta - but bought Veal and went out specifically to buy Lamb!
Bought a "boat swing" off ebay only to find it was neither a boat or a swing frame but only the replacement seat parts for a boat swing...that I don't own!
I can't finish a thought or a task.
I misplace things frequently.
I could go on but don't wish to bore you!
Am feeling very scattered at the moment.
The girls are now nearly 16months are into everything. Climbing everything, the lounge, the toy chest, I even found one on the kitchen bench who had used a chair to climb up there!
They are fighting over everything! I can remember a time when I thought it "interesting" that twin mums bought 2 of everything! Aaaaaahhhh now I get it!!!!!!!!
There are many tears in our house at the moment, tears from falling, we have biting issues, tears from not sharing, tears just cause they want some attention from me! And then in the next breath they are playing happily and laughing with each other, or "running" laps around the table on the deck, Claudia on her trike and the girls behind walkers! It's Hilarious!
They are as up and down as I feel. I have no thinking or breathing space until their bedtime! I feel scattered!
I do have time out and some me time but honestly...can I do anything else stupid to send myself a message that I need to "regroup!?"
I asked friends who came over for a playdate today if they thought my life was a circus, cause that is how I feel people view it sometimes.
My friend replied, "You are busier than most women!" A lovely way of putting it I thought!
Another friend, when I bought up about how it was go go go and that I didn't stop at a Melbourne Cup function I went to with my 3 girls chasing two of them and keeping a 3 year old happy, said, "I felt for you that day!" I replied, "That day? Love this is everyday lately!"
It feels like life is getting harder right now. The girls are into everything and on the move, crawling not walking still! I can't wait till they walk. People look at me like I must be kidding, but they don't realise how it will make life easier for me in ways and I know harder in other! If they came with me to their swimming lessons or saw me carrying them down two flights of stairs everyday, going shopping, being at the park, well just about everything, then perhaps they'd understand!
It feels like they need me every second of the day, then add a 3 year old on top of that who has just started to ask the "why?" questions and I feel sometimes I could run away!
Some days I think "I can't do this!" but with that always comes balance those times when Erin will just come up to give me a cuddle and rest her head in the crook of my neck, or Claudia comes out with a random "Love you Mum!" or Sunny with a "Hi ya!"
I would do all of this again in a heart beat. But I want it to be acknowledge that right now it is hard. Really hard! I want to read over this in years to come and remember that right now was tough, because I know this is just a stage! There will be more stages and with them different challenges.
Bring it on I say, as long as I can have a cry, have a wine and know that when days are tough, I am not alone. I've spoken to other women, I am not alone!
My eldest brother mentioned to me that I never used the line "it's all good!" when asked how things were before I had the twins. He now knows when things are not so great, cause I will say it alot!
It is my mantra...because I truly believe it IS all good, or at least it will be soon.