Monday, September 27, 2010

3 under 3 no more and numbers by helseyc

For two months after the girls were born I had 3 children under 2.
My sister Madonna, delighted in telling me that when she first found out I was pregnant with twins.
It made me nervous.

In exactly one weeks time, I won't be able to say I have 3 under 3 anymore as I'll have 3 under 4.
Doesn't quite have the same ring to it now does it?
3 under 2, 3 under 3, 3 under 4.
Maybe I should have another one just to even things up, then I'd have 4 under 4!
There is that chance though of then having 5 under 4.

Wait! Does the dog count? That would make it 4 under 5 (in dogs years it would be more like 4 under 35)
That won't work!

Numbers...funny things really. Age is just a number.

So ends my strange number blog entry.

1 comment:

  1. I had 4 under 4 for 4 months when the twins were first born. I now have 4 under 5.
