So today I have been having so much trouble getting my head around the fact that today is Wednesday and the 9th.. I keep thinking that it is the 10th, so I got DH to come home from work early got the girls ready for their appointment with the Doc for their 18month immunisations. Got to the Doctors and they're like um sorry but your appointment is tomorrow... *Slaps forehead* So now I've got to push their appointment back as I don't want to drive to QLD the day after they have needles.
I don't ever remember being this bad last time. Then I was thinking oh I don't need to put the dogs in tomorrow to the kennels as it's only Wednesday but no tomorrow is Thursday.. DH just kept laughing at me... I hope it doesn't get much worse then this...
But on a side note I'm actually starting to look pregnant.. woohoo well to me anyway other people prob just think I'm still carrying baby weight from the twins.. People still give me that look when I tell them I'm expecting again cos the girls are 18months old they're like really? I'm like yeah. Every other family usually has the second bub with 2yrs of the first bub so why should it be any different for us? Just because we had twins first up..
Alana (aka Mattnalana)
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