Day 1: So it's Monday today and my first out of 4 different appointments at the hospital this week. Oh what fun!
So today I had my Anti-D injection, oh I just love getting needles it's so much fun... I woke up at 7am stayed in bed for a little bit cos it was cold but since the girls were up I thought I'd better get up before tehy destroyed the house.. My Twin cyclones..... So up I get jeans on jumper on slippers on. Out to the lounge room, heater on and change dirty nappy times 2.
Then it's make breakfast, wheatbix for the girls and toast for me. The girls don't finish all of their wheatbix so I make them some porridge as well which they share. Breakfast done time to get dressed. I finish getting dressed then I get the girls dressed. Make sure I have everything in my handbag for the girls including but not limited to drinks, snacks, nappies, wipes etc ect
In the car we all get, do the 10min drive to hospital, drive tot he free parking area with fingers crossed there is a park there so I don't have to pay today. Woohoo I'm in luck there is a park at the start of it so a shorter walking distance for us. All out of the car and walk to the hospital, into the hospital, past maternity with it stupid visiting hours, into the lift up a level out the lift and into the clinic.
Let them know I'm here and sit down to wait... Doesn't take to long before my name is called... Go in with midwife, she asks if I'm ok with needles as she hates giving them out and gets a little nervous but is very careful.. Anyway it hardly hurts at all meanwhile Lilli holds my hand and is saying let's go.. Lol... Might have to wait until the needle is out of my arm sweetie... Oh joy have to do that again in 6 weeks time..
Leave hospital. walk back to the car, drive back home, all get out and go inside. One appointment down 3 to go....
Day 2: Tuesday we had our 28 week ultrasound. DH only just made it it time to the hospital before we had to go in as he couldn't leave work on time. Bubba is right on track for growth so not to big or small just right. :D We were hoping to find out what gender bub is BUT bub had other ideas as s/he has its feet tucked under their bum so we couldn't see at all. I guess we will be in for a surprise when s/he comes into this world. Oh well I kinda like the idea of not knowing as we weren't given the choice bub has decided for us. They didn't give me any pics to take home :( which I'm disappointed about maybe I can get them to print some off at my appointment on Thursday. The ladies there were not very nice, as I had to book another appointment for when I'm 32weeks and they are like do you have the form, I left it at home as when I booked the last appointment I rang up. They're like oh you need to bring the form cos we can't do it without it.. Well that is a bit obvious to me since it's not the first one I've had done. So that's 2 appointments down and 2 left to go.
Day 3: Wednesday was my appointment with my Diabetes Doctor. So he has put up my dose of insulin again as I am still having high sugars in the morning. On Mon they got put up and I had a hypo (low sugars) on Mon night so I'm hoping I don't have another one as I don't feel when I'm having them... Other then that not very fun being there for a 3rd day as the girls are over it and so am I to be honest. Tomorrow is my normal Doc I just hope I have the same one as last appointment as she is so nice and not the Doc I've seen other times as he freaks me out. 3 down 1 to go!
Day 4: Thursday and last hospital appointment for the week! woohoo... Got there on time which was good since we left a little late as we had a nap later due to playgroup this morning. Got a free park! Got in there and only had to wait 15mins after my appointment time, usually we wait up to an hr or more... Doc is happy with bubs size, was in there for all of 10min adn then had to go to admissions and put my paperwork in since I hadn't done it yet.
So glad this week is almost over! Can't wait for a sleep in on the weekend just need to get DH out of bed to look after the girls :D