So I have hit the 37 week mark almost at the 38week mark which is full term! Wow I can't believe that I've made it this far.. It's very surreal that I'm this far along since with the girls we had them at 33.5 weeks and they were home by now. I have an ultrasound on Wednesday to see how bub is growing and it will be the last one till bub comes.
Dh has told me the days that I'm not aloud to go into labour.. So far Thursday is a no no as he is starting in a new section at work and needs to be there, Sunday is a no no cos Merlin is on and it look like a good one, so I've told him that now he has said that I will probably go into labour on one of those days...
I'm starting to get nervous about the labour and the pain that it brings with it. With the girls I had an Epi when I was about 8-9cm dilated and all I remember was the pain b4 the epi kicked in. I would love to have no drugs but I think the thought of no pain will win in the end :D I can't wait to meet out bub and find out finally if the girls have a little brother or sister. We keep asking them if they want a brother or sister and they keep saying brother.. So DH is like oh they must be right... lol...
We still need to go buy a chest of drawers which we will probably do this weekend as last weekend we were still sick and I didn't want the girls going out in the cold wind we've had here...
My bag is all packed for sure now, got myself some slippers for the hospital :D Bub is apparently 3/5 engaged well at the last appointment bub was so hopefully bub will come sooner rather then later so I don't have to be induced.
Alana (aka mattnalana)