Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A pregnancy Journal - Not long now‏

I have only about 4weeks till I'm due :o Where has the time gone? I'm still only on 2 weekly appointments at the hospital which I though at the last one they would ask me to come weekly as I was 35weeks but nope, so my next appointment isn't until I'm 37weeks. I also thought that I would have another growth scan cos of my GD but nope they didn't give me a referral for one either. They're not worried at all how big bub is they say s/he is growing perfectly and is still in the 33% range which is great..

I'm getting very uncomfortable especially at night having to go to the bathroom all the time and if I've been sitting down for a while and need to get up I feel like an old woman.. But at least I have made it further then what I did with my twins and I'll be very happy to make it full term even with all the aches and pains it's worth it. I'd rather put up with them for a few more weeks then to have bub in special care and not come home with me. I think that was the hardest thing to do with the girls, leave hospital and not take them with me.

We now have bub's room all set up but can't do the clothes until we know if bub is a boy or girl... I've got out enough unisex outfits to do us for the first week or so. My hospital bag is all packed apart from toothbrush, hairbrush, and shoes... We're picking up my Nan on the weekend who will be staying with us to help me around the house and be here for the girls when I go into labour as DH's Dad will be coming over but since the girls don't see him all the time I know they would freak out if they woke up and he was here and we were gone. So with Nan here they will be ok as they will be use to her being here. So I feel much more at ease about that as I was stressing out about it.

I've decided we're gonna have bub in our room in the porta-cot for a little bit when s/he first comes home, we didn't do this with the girls but they shared a cot so they had each other. Plus its a very cold winter and the less distance I have to walk to do night feeds the better.

Well that's it for now.

Alana (aka mattnalana)

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