An ungolden day would be yesterday. It started with the usual morning routine. Got all girls fed, dressed, myself dressed and in the car ready to go to the gym within an hour only to find, the car won't start! Flat battery. Some idiot (moi) left the key in the ignition and on accessories! Bright!
Oh did I tell you, I let my RACQ lapse as we received 2 years free road side assistance when we bought the car new...over 2 years ago! Yes, it lapsed in Dec $139 later and I've rejoined RACQ and paid for the year and then $110 later still, I've bought a battery charger and am out of "car that carries all 3 kids" action for 24hrs. Gone are my days plans, $250 and my happy dispositon. I'm not "in like" with people right now!
I'm annoyed I can't make it to the gym as I've 3 weeks left of my 12 week challenge. I HAVE to get to the gym! I HAVE TO!! But what can I do?
Family back up is called in (as Vic is STILL overseas) and I take Vic's car to my chiro appointment. I am easily annoyed by some young lass who decides to talk at top volume on her phone in the waiting area. I'm giving her that "are you for real" look with my eyes but she doesn't make eye contact with me. I'm disappointed to be honest. My chiropractor is lovely, even Vic usually asks "how was your boyfriend today" when I go and see him. He has witnessed first hand a few "ungolden days" moments. I told him once that my life is now a circus. I feel often like I"m on show, but no one is paying for a ticket to see it! I'll never forget a friend of mine going to see the same Chiro after our visit once. She had her two children with her. At the end of the appointment she said to our Chiro (who didn't know we knew each other - obviously....) "thank goodness this is a family clinic, thanks for letting the kids sit in!" To which my chiro replied "that was nothing, we had a woman in here this morning with a toddler and 6 month old twins - now that was full on" My friend goes "Oh, you mean Helen?" "Oh you know her"says our Chiro....and she has relayed thsi story to me! So we're being talked about - our ungolden moments exposed to all clients? I mentioned at the next appointment and he said I swear she's the only person I told and it was cause she had two kids in here! Anyway, today he makes me smile and cracks my neck...twice, and I'm on my way. I duck to the local coffee/eatery place in New Farm. I order...about 5-10min later, a lady walks in and orders. She is served first. I'm annoyed by this.
Does anyone see a theme with me?
I eat and leave. It was totally delicious so have a contented tummy, but not heart.
I arrive home to two babies that have woken from their day sleep with runny noses and are now coughing! GREAT! Now I won't be able to put them into the gym creche. There goes my challenge! Why does everything have to be so hard? Woe is me and all that!
I'm on the downward spiral now, it's going to take every amount of energy to pull me up.
Then the 2.5yo tantrums begin. It's nearly 3pm....witching hours are imminent. She starts to cry, the babies are grizzly and crying too.
I admit defeat and cry with them. It is now 3.30pm and I am counting down to the time that they will all be in bed. I'm also wondering when is a "respectable" time to have a wine?!?!?
This single mother gig - is bloody hard work. I have realised more than ever just how well Vic and I work together and tag team so that we can each get done those day to day tasks and planned activities.
Hats off to all the single mums and how they cope with their ungolden days too.
Things will be better tomorrow. They always are.
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