I can remember someone telling me pre birth of the twins, that the first year is a blur. At around 6 months I thought, this isn't a blur...I remember it all! But now the girls are 9 months, I think I understand what they meant. The first year is a blur because it just happens so fast. I cannot believe I've been a mum to 3 under 3 for 9 months now! Time flies!
Yes it flies when you're having fun and it flies cause you're in a routine! I feel the pressure of getting everything done "in time!" I feel like I rush through my day, here and there and don't achieve much. I know most mothers say that, but it really is only now that I am realising this myself.
I always feel like I'm on a time limit too. Nothing is done leisurely anymore. I need to get things done inbetween the morning sleep and the lunchtime sleep. Then I have to be back in time to x,y,z!
Yesterday, I ducked out whilst all 3 were sleeping (the bonus about having a husband work from home) and did the check in as to how long I could go for as Vic is usually in and out during the day. I had 1.5hrs...to put my camera in to be serviced (Claudia dropped it and it's now broken - boo hoo!), go to Myer to get knee hi "nearly black" stockings for my concert on Sunday, buy Claudia some leggins for Winter and buy a birthday present for a buddy of mine who turns 40 this weekend. I seriously flew to each different shop - in 3 different suburbs and got home just in time. Vic asked me how my time off was? That wasn't time off! That was me working!!! I didn't even get time to eat lunch so when I got home I made something to eat and with the first mouthful swallowed...I hear the wakings of a baby!
Time is precious! Time to myself, time with my husband and of course the time I spend with my 3 little cherubs. I must stop and remember to breathe and do not wish away this precious time with the little ones.
I had planned to finish this entry and then eat lunch, but again, time has caught up with me....Claudia is awake from her lunchtime sleep and is walking towards me with a beautiful smile on her face. Through the monitor I can hear the waking babbles of two beautiful babies. Lovely!
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