Thursday, May 27, 2010

Twins & those moments that make you acknowledge the fact by helseyc

Today was an interesting day to say the least. It was neither a golden day or an ungolden day...but it was a day filled with moments.

I went to the gym early this morning. Erin and Sunny seemed out of sorts from the moment they woke up to their morning milk and weetbix. I was in two minds about bundling them and their sister into the car and off to the gym! The mother guilt set in! "Maybe I should stay at home so they can rest more!?" But the gym was calling and I though that maybe the change of scene would spark their mood. Well I was right!

Gone are the days where I could carry two car capsules into the gym with my gigantic nappy bag over one shoulder and a toddler tagging along side. Now the girls are nearly 10months old - it's a full scale pram operation. Nappy bag rests across the handle and toddler holds onto the side of the pram (especially in the carpark Claudia!). Mental note to self : Take nappy bag off handle before taking one baby out of pram - or the pram tips backwards!!! Not nice for remaining baby!

In we trapse to the gym, past the counter, past the male personal trainers that follow me with their eyes. I'd like to think they're actually looking at my 12 week challenge enhanced post twins baby body, but they're actually looking at this woman with 3 kids and wondering either how I cope, or how I get to the gym so early!

The staff in the creche are amazing, they whisk the girls away from me, as they have fun at guessing "which baby is which" and I'm off upstairs to lift some weights. Why do I go to the gym to lift weights, when I can just stay at home and lift the girls up and down the stairs all day long?

I get back to the creche and there I see them....side by side in the playpen holding each others hand and watching the door, like they're waiting for me. When they recognise it's me, they both smile these adorable smiles.

This afternoon we had the second swine flu injection for the girls. For the first time I could actually see Sunny looking on with concern at what was happening to Erin (or so it seemed). They both seemed to be looking out for each other.

As an aside...Have you ever wondered why Panadol for babies comes in such small bottles? I was never concerned about this fact with Claudia, but I just seem to go through the stuff with twins!

There was a moment today where I was reminded of the struggle to have two babies at once. I had Erin on the change table and whilst changing her I saw that Sunny had pulled to standing up but was starting to lose her balance. What do I do? Leave the baby on the change table to rescue the falling baby? Or let the baby fall from standing so that the baby on the change table won't roll off! Those moments are difficult!

Finally, at the end of the day...I've really started to notice the girls "playing" together, smiling at one another and I wonder what they think of each other. I KNOW they adore their big sister Claudia as whenever she enters the room, or takes toys to the girls or cuddles them, their faces light up in an instant!

I feel truly blessed to have twins and a toddler. Blessed that they chose me as their mum and blessed that I get to experience these little twin moments.

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