Monday, June 14, 2010

My Birth Story by Vanessa (aka Nessa)

let's start in May 2007 ...

Darian is just about to turn 5 months old. My periods weren't even regular yet after having him, but I had this niggling feeling. I did a HPT and lo and behold - BFP

This alone put me in shock, and when Moose came home from work, I told him. Off to the GP we went for confirmation. thier test was also positive. I got a referal and the next day made an appointment to see the OB and midwives I had seen not so long ago. Let me tell you, they were stunned to see me sitting in their offices once again! They sent me off for a U/S to get a due date as I had no idea when my last period had been.

fast forward to June.
I dropped Darian off at my mums so my stepsister could watch him while I went for the U/S. My aunty and uncle were there, as well as a friend and my 2 stepsisters. My mum was at work though. My aunty asked if I wanted her to come, but it was just a routine dating scan, I'll be fine, and off I went.
After waiting for about 10 mintues I was called through and the sonographer set up. As soon as she put the monitor on my tummy she asked if I could see anything unusual. I could! I saw 2 tiny little sacs! And then it hit me........there's two babies!!!!! complete shock! I couldn't speak! I was there alone!!!!! Why on earth didn't I take my Aunty with me?!? She did her usual checks and told me I was 7 weeks, and the due date was 15th Feb 2008. Not even a full month after Darian's birthday. She printed me some pics and I left.

I sat in the car park for 15 minutes in total shock. Then I realised I should call Moose and tell him. And my mum...oh and I had to get back to Darian! So I called Moose at work. "Sit down and take a deep breath" I said. He immediately thought something was wrong. "There's 2" two what? he says. and then it dawned on him. He was in shock now too :hehe: Perfectly useless at work too, his boss ended up sending him home! Then I sms'd my mum, who thought I was joking. I then went back to mums, not quite able to talk in coherent sentences and placed the pics on the table........... well, the house went mad!! :hehe: I called my dad and told him who was as shocked as the rest of us!

Fast forward to January 27th 2008 (37 weeks 2 days)
A very non eventful pregnancy. I asked mum if she could babysit the boys so Moose and I could go to dinner, as it would probably be the last chance we get for a while. Still had no idea if I was getting induced or they were going to wait for a natural labor.
We went out to dinner, back to mums and collected the boys and went home. Got the kiddies into bed and got on my some posts and added a few of my own, then went to bed (10pm) I read for a little while then went to sleep. Right on 12am I got my first contraction! nah, can't be....went back to sleep. 10 minutes later....another. and another....they were slowly getting closer but after Moose's reaction to when I went into Labour with Darian, I wasn't telling him until I was ready to go. 1am I rang the hospital (Moose heard me talking this time) and they told me to go in, so I let my mum know (she was coming again) and got the boys out of bed, then rang another Aunty to come over to look after Darian at my mums house. Took the boys to mums and picked mum up, and off we went. 40 min drive to the hospital. On the Calder Fwy heading towards the city we get pulled over for a random breath test!! As the officer has come up to the window I had a really strong contraction and let out a bit of a yell. The officer then didn't bother with anything and let us go. We didn't get an escort though :hehe:

Arrived at the hospital at 2am and they took me straight up to the labour ward. and got a drip in my arm. All the usual checks and then said I had a while to go and the anaesthesiologist came and told me what they were going to do to give me the epidural. They did the epi, and then left me go for an hour or 3...around 5:30am we watched the hot air balloons rise up over the city. more checks, not much going on so they put some gel in....we'll leave you a bit longer..... I had now been at the hospital for 9 hours! Around 11:30am they decided to break my waters (Luke) and get things moving. The contractions got stronger almost immediately and they had to top up my epi. They got me to push but Luke wouldn't budge. A quick U/S showed he was presenting brow, so they pushed his head back and tucked his chin in, but the moment I pushed again he lifted his head. (that's how he got his first black eye!) The midwife got the shits (sorry no other way to put it) with the intern that was attending to me (cos she wanted me to keep pushing when it was clear that wasn't doing anything!!) and went and got the OB supervisor that was on (12:30pm). After she checked everything out it was determined I would need and emergency c/section. (1pm)

They laid me back down as I wouldn't need to be sitting anymore, and knocked my epi out! It wore off in about 4 minutes and I was screaming!! The pain was completely unbearable! A new anaesthesiologist (she looks remarkably like my SIL, I think I told her 15 times!) was on and she came in to give me drugs and ask if I wanted a spinal block or a general. I was scared beyond belief by this time and opted for the general. Off to the operating theatre I went. Because I was having a general no-one was allowed in and both Mum and Moose had to wait in the corridor. The idiot intern wanted to do one more check before they put me under, and told me to tell her when I was contracting and she would do it as soon as it finished. She then didn't wait for me to tell her and I kicked her and demanded then and there she get out! If she can't look after me properly she wasn't to be near my babies!! I don't remember a thing past here!!

Luke was born at 2:43pm and Samantha was born at 2:44pm 28 January 2008.

When I came too I looked at Luke and thought, OMG he looks like Jayden! and I vaguely remember Sami being in a humidicrib.

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