Today was an interesting day to say the least. It was neither a golden day or an ungolden day...but it was a day filled with moments.
I went to the gym early this morning. Erin and Sunny seemed out of sorts from the moment they woke up to their morning milk and weetbix. I was in two minds about bundling them and their sister into the car and off to the gym! The mother guilt set in! "Maybe I should stay at home so they can rest more!?" But the gym was calling and I though that maybe the change of scene would spark their mood. Well I was right!
Gone are the days where I could carry two car capsules into the gym with my gigantic nappy bag over one shoulder and a toddler tagging along side. Now the girls are nearly 10months old - it's a full scale pram operation. Nappy bag rests across the handle and toddler holds onto the side of the pram (especially in the carpark Claudia!). Mental note to self : Take nappy bag off handle before taking one baby out of pram - or the pram tips backwards!!! Not nice for remaining baby!
In we trapse to the gym, past the counter, past the male personal trainers that follow me with their eyes. I'd like to think they're actually looking at my 12 week challenge enhanced post twins baby body, but they're actually looking at this woman with 3 kids and wondering either how I cope, or how I get to the gym so early!
The staff in the creche are amazing, they whisk the girls away from me, as they have fun at guessing "which baby is which" and I'm off upstairs to lift some weights. Why do I go to the gym to lift weights, when I can just stay at home and lift the girls up and down the stairs all day long?
I get back to the creche and there I see them....side by side in the playpen holding each others hand and watching the door, like they're waiting for me. When they recognise it's me, they both smile these adorable smiles.
This afternoon we had the second swine flu injection for the girls. For the first time I could actually see Sunny looking on with concern at what was happening to Erin (or so it seemed). They both seemed to be looking out for each other.
As an aside...Have you ever wondered why Panadol for babies comes in such small bottles? I was never concerned about this fact with Claudia, but I just seem to go through the stuff with twins!
There was a moment today where I was reminded of the struggle to have two babies at once. I had Erin on the change table and whilst changing her I saw that Sunny had pulled to standing up but was starting to lose her balance. What do I do? Leave the baby on the change table to rescue the falling baby? Or let the baby fall from standing so that the baby on the change table won't roll off! Those moments are difficult!
Finally, at the end of the day...I've really started to notice the girls "playing" together, smiling at one another and I wonder what they think of each other. I KNOW they adore their big sister Claudia as whenever she enters the room, or takes toys to the girls or cuddles them, their faces light up in an instant!
I feel truly blessed to have twins and a toddler. Blessed that they chose me as their mum and blessed that I get to experience these little twin moments.

An Australian multiple birth online community forum for parents with twins, triplets or a higher order of multiples. Whether you are already a lucky parent of multiples or you are expecting new additions into your life then this is certainly the place to be. If it is support or advice you are seeking or simply just want to chat to other parents we have a wonderful growing group of friendly and welcoming members with a wealth of knowledge in the day to day life of multiple parenting life.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wow! 1 Already by Peta Kenningham aka Petiepops
There are only 5 more days until the girls turn 1. I can't believe that it has been a year already. I have watched them grow and change and it is amazing. Babies one day....
little girls the next.
People often tell you that time goes quickly and you just nod politely and agree, but secretly you are thinking that it is always going to be different for me.... but in reality, it is not. You feel yourself coming out of that dark, dark which seems to hang around for anywhere between 3 to 6 months and begin to really enjoy this special time but then along comes the first birthday! I am looking forward to celebrating this milestone with my girls and can't wait to see where this loving journey takes me next! Peta
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Time flies when you're having fun? by helseyc
I can remember someone telling me pre birth of the twins, that the first year is a blur. At around 6 months I thought, this isn't a blur...I remember it all! But now the girls are 9 months, I think I understand what they meant. The first year is a blur because it just happens so fast. I cannot believe I've been a mum to 3 under 3 for 9 months now! Time flies!
Yes it flies when you're having fun and it flies cause you're in a routine! I feel the pressure of getting everything done "in time!" I feel like I rush through my day, here and there and don't achieve much. I know most mothers say that, but it really is only now that I am realising this myself.
I always feel like I'm on a time limit too. Nothing is done leisurely anymore. I need to get things done inbetween the morning sleep and the lunchtime sleep. Then I have to be back in time to x,y,z!
Yesterday, I ducked out whilst all 3 were sleeping (the bonus about having a husband work from home) and did the check in as to how long I could go for as Vic is usually in and out during the day. I had put my camera in to be serviced (Claudia dropped it and it's now broken - boo hoo!), go to Myer to get knee hi "nearly black" stockings for my concert on Sunday, buy Claudia some leggins for Winter and buy a birthday present for a buddy of mine who turns 40 this weekend. I seriously flew to each different shop - in 3 different suburbs and got home just in time. Vic asked me how my time off was? That wasn't time off! That was me working!!! I didn't even get time to eat lunch so when I got home I made something to eat and with the first mouthful swallowed...I hear the wakings of a baby!
Time is precious! Time to myself, time with my husband and of course the time I spend with my 3 little cherubs. I must stop and remember to breathe and do not wish away this precious time with the little ones.
I had planned to finish this entry and then eat lunch, but again, time has caught up with me....Claudia is awake from her lunchtime sleep and is walking towards me with a beautiful smile on her face. Through the monitor I can hear the waking babbles of two beautiful babies. Lovely!
Yes it flies when you're having fun and it flies cause you're in a routine! I feel the pressure of getting everything done "in time!" I feel like I rush through my day, here and there and don't achieve much. I know most mothers say that, but it really is only now that I am realising this myself.
I always feel like I'm on a time limit too. Nothing is done leisurely anymore. I need to get things done inbetween the morning sleep and the lunchtime sleep. Then I have to be back in time to x,y,z!
Yesterday, I ducked out whilst all 3 were sleeping (the bonus about having a husband work from home) and did the check in as to how long I could go for as Vic is usually in and out during the day. I had put my camera in to be serviced (Claudia dropped it and it's now broken - boo hoo!), go to Myer to get knee hi "nearly black" stockings for my concert on Sunday, buy Claudia some leggins for Winter and buy a birthday present for a buddy of mine who turns 40 this weekend. I seriously flew to each different shop - in 3 different suburbs and got home just in time. Vic asked me how my time off was? That wasn't time off! That was me working!!! I didn't even get time to eat lunch so when I got home I made something to eat and with the first mouthful swallowed...I hear the wakings of a baby!
Time is precious! Time to myself, time with my husband and of course the time I spend with my 3 little cherubs. I must stop and remember to breathe and do not wish away this precious time with the little ones.
I had planned to finish this entry and then eat lunch, but again, time has caught up with me....Claudia is awake from her lunchtime sleep and is walking towards me with a beautiful smile on her face. Through the monitor I can hear the waking babbles of two beautiful babies. Lovely!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Have Mercy Twins - UN golden days (like yesterday!) by helseyc
An ungolden day would be yesterday. It started with the usual morning routine. Got all girls fed, dressed, myself dressed and in the car ready to go to the gym within an hour only to find, the car won't start! Flat battery. Some idiot (moi) left the key in the ignition and on accessories! Bright!
Oh did I tell you, I let my RACQ lapse as we received 2 years free road side assistance when we bought the car new...over 2 years ago! Yes, it lapsed in Dec $139 later and I've rejoined RACQ and paid for the year and then $110 later still, I've bought a battery charger and am out of "car that carries all 3 kids" action for 24hrs. Gone are my days plans, $250 and my happy dispositon. I'm not "in like" with people right now!
I'm annoyed I can't make it to the gym as I've 3 weeks left of my 12 week challenge. I HAVE to get to the gym! I HAVE TO!! But what can I do?
Family back up is called in (as Vic is STILL overseas) and I take Vic's car to my chiro appointment. I am easily annoyed by some young lass who decides to talk at top volume on her phone in the waiting area. I'm giving her that "are you for real" look with my eyes but she doesn't make eye contact with me. I'm disappointed to be honest. My chiropractor is lovely, even Vic usually asks "how was your boyfriend today" when I go and see him. He has witnessed first hand a few "ungolden days" moments. I told him once that my life is now a circus. I feel often like I"m on show, but no one is paying for a ticket to see it! I'll never forget a friend of mine going to see the same Chiro after our visit once. She had her two children with her. At the end of the appointment she said to our Chiro (who didn't know we knew each other - obviously....) "thank goodness this is a family clinic, thanks for letting the kids sit in!" To which my chiro replied "that was nothing, we had a woman in here this morning with a toddler and 6 month old twins - now that was full on" My friend goes "Oh, you mean Helen?" "Oh you know her"says our Chiro....and she has relayed thsi story to me! So we're being talked about - our ungolden moments exposed to all clients? I mentioned at the next appointment and he said I swear she's the only person I told and it was cause she had two kids in here! Anyway, today he makes me smile and cracks my neck...twice, and I'm on my way. I duck to the local coffee/eatery place in New Farm. I order...about 5-10min later, a lady walks in and orders. She is served first. I'm annoyed by this.
Does anyone see a theme with me?
I eat and leave. It was totally delicious so have a contented tummy, but not heart.
I arrive home to two babies that have woken from their day sleep with runny noses and are now coughing! GREAT! Now I won't be able to put them into the gym creche. There goes my challenge! Why does everything have to be so hard? Woe is me and all that!
I'm on the downward spiral now, it's going to take every amount of energy to pull me up.
Then the 2.5yo tantrums begin. It's nearly 3pm....witching hours are imminent. She starts to cry, the babies are grizzly and crying too.
I admit defeat and cry with them. It is now 3.30pm and I am counting down to the time that they will all be in bed. I'm also wondering when is a "respectable" time to have a wine?!?!?
This single mother gig - is bloody hard work. I have realised more than ever just how well Vic and I work together and tag team so that we can each get done those day to day tasks and planned activities.
Hats off to all the single mums and how they cope with their ungolden days too.
Things will be better tomorrow. They always are.
Oh did I tell you, I let my RACQ lapse as we received 2 years free road side assistance when we bought the car new...over 2 years ago! Yes, it lapsed in Dec $139 later and I've rejoined RACQ and paid for the year and then $110 later still, I've bought a battery charger and am out of "car that carries all 3 kids" action for 24hrs. Gone are my days plans, $250 and my happy dispositon. I'm not "in like" with people right now!
I'm annoyed I can't make it to the gym as I've 3 weeks left of my 12 week challenge. I HAVE to get to the gym! I HAVE TO!! But what can I do?
Family back up is called in (as Vic is STILL overseas) and I take Vic's car to my chiro appointment. I am easily annoyed by some young lass who decides to talk at top volume on her phone in the waiting area. I'm giving her that "are you for real" look with my eyes but she doesn't make eye contact with me. I'm disappointed to be honest. My chiropractor is lovely, even Vic usually asks "how was your boyfriend today" when I go and see him. He has witnessed first hand a few "ungolden days" moments. I told him once that my life is now a circus. I feel often like I"m on show, but no one is paying for a ticket to see it! I'll never forget a friend of mine going to see the same Chiro after our visit once. She had her two children with her. At the end of the appointment she said to our Chiro (who didn't know we knew each other - obviously....) "thank goodness this is a family clinic, thanks for letting the kids sit in!" To which my chiro replied "that was nothing, we had a woman in here this morning with a toddler and 6 month old twins - now that was full on" My friend goes "Oh, you mean Helen?" "Oh you know her"says our Chiro....and she has relayed thsi story to me! So we're being talked about - our ungolden moments exposed to all clients? I mentioned at the next appointment and he said I swear she's the only person I told and it was cause she had two kids in here! Anyway, today he makes me smile and cracks my neck...twice, and I'm on my way. I duck to the local coffee/eatery place in New Farm. I order...about 5-10min later, a lady walks in and orders. She is served first. I'm annoyed by this.
Does anyone see a theme with me?
I eat and leave. It was totally delicious so have a contented tummy, but not heart.
I arrive home to two babies that have woken from their day sleep with runny noses and are now coughing! GREAT! Now I won't be able to put them into the gym creche. There goes my challenge! Why does everything have to be so hard? Woe is me and all that!
I'm on the downward spiral now, it's going to take every amount of energy to pull me up.
Then the 2.5yo tantrums begin. It's nearly 3pm....witching hours are imminent. She starts to cry, the babies are grizzly and crying too.
I admit defeat and cry with them. It is now 3.30pm and I am counting down to the time that they will all be in bed. I'm also wondering when is a "respectable" time to have a wine?!?!?
This single mother gig - is bloody hard work. I have realised more than ever just how well Vic and I work together and tag team so that we can each get done those day to day tasks and planned activities.
Hats off to all the single mums and how they cope with their ungolden days too.
Things will be better tomorrow. They always are.
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